If you keep insisting the backlash is about the break up you are either completely brainless or knowingly lying.


Everything on this page is speculative but noteworthy

1. The attempt to portrait Rourke callous and sex-crazed
December 2nd 2020 was the first day Zilv started to publicly lament about ”if you only knew the reason for break up…”. It’s the same day the DM with an Asian fan became public, very possibly the same day the DM conversation took place. In DM the fan states clearly, that their support will be removed from Zilv, and they will only support Rourke from there on. After this date Zilv lamented ”if you only knew…” for a couple of times, until four days later Kai spilled the tea in IG, followed by Zilv&Rourke explanation on Twitter, correcting things that Kai ”misunderstood”. Much later (in February 2021) it was revealed Zilv had told some of the Asian fans the same ”misunderstandings” that Kai had, just before Kai went public.
As soon as I saw the first time Zilv wailing "if only you knew..." I had absolute certainty he was going to make it known. That's usually what happens when people start acting like that. This is purely speculative, but it seems like Zilv got scared that the rich Asian fans would support only Rourke from there on, and that made him attempt to portrait Rourke in a bad light, giving the same distorted story to Kai & Asian fans, waiting for either of them to do his dirty work for him, and hoping that the backlash of revelations would lead to fans abandoning Rourke and giving their support to Zilv and Kai.
It always seemed so petty and low character that Kai would betray Zilv’s trust in spilling the tea the way he did (and the timing of it just when Rourke was giving up and stepping away from the relationship). This is pure speculation, but it is one possibility that Kai did it because Zilv asked him to. Even the timing would actually make sense, if it was all according to a plan to hit a wedge between Rourke and Asian fans: to hit when Rourke is down and too overwhelmed by heartbreak to properly defend himself, so Zilv can spin the story to look like Rourke is the culprit and he’s innocent.
It’s noteworthy how Kai told the story of the threesomes: like Rourke was only going after new sexual experiences, not caring one bit of the effect on Zilv and their relationship. Just by looking at Rourke’s reactions, it’s very clear he was deeply in love with Zilv and willing to do anything for him to keep him and save the relationship. However Kai painted a picture of emotionless and sex-crazed Rourke whose promiscuousness had broken poor Zilv’s heart. The easiest explanation is that Kai was duped by Zilv, with the same age-old story all cheating husbands always tell their mistresses. It’s obvious Kai was wrong (even Zilv admitted that), but it’s purely speculative, if Kai was duped to think that by Zilv, or was this his deliberate action, trying to throw shade on Rourke, perhaps to alienate the fandom from Rourke.
During the relationship both Zilv and Rourke admitted they fantasized about threesomes, so it wasn't
that big of a shock to many when it was revealed they had tried them. It’s noteworthy, that even though Zilv told both Kai and the fans that it was actually Rourke who was wanting and arranging them, the third wheels they had and who have come forward have been saying that it was Zilv who was seeking at first for partners to have sex with and later to have threesomes with. Even long before all the drama there were rumors circulating that Zilv was in Grinder looking for sex partners, specifically 18-20-year-old twinks. The fans always brushed the rumors off as being just jealous gossip. Noteworthy is that everytime these rumors emerged, they were about Zilv seeking company outside the relationship.

2. Zilv’s ephebophilian tendencies
Another noteworthy thing is that as long as the Zilv & Rourke relationship lasted, there was always people saying it will end when Rourke becomes "too old", and starts to look more like a young man and less like a teen boy; that's when Zilv will dump him for another adolescent looking teen. The skeptics reminded the fandom of this regularly, always facing a fierce response, as fans defended Zilv. 
But how did things turn out? Exactly the way the skeptics said it would go; Rourke is a young man now and Zilv is no longer interested in him. Is this cause and effect? Maybe, maybe not. However it is a fact that Zilv replaced Rourke with another teen boy. And again the skeptic voices are saying that it will end as soon as Kai starts to look more like a young man -- time will tell if they are right again.  
For the 23-year-old Zilv to start a relationship with the 17-year-old Rourke, it was always a bit of a red flag. Even inside the fandom while the relationship lasted there were people more supportive of Rourke and keeping a cautious eye on Zilv. These fans have stated it was their main concern and the reason for vigilance that they suspected Zilv is an ephebophile. It was still plausible that Zilv and Rourke simply fell for each other. The brain development continues until the age of 25. It is possible for a 23-year-old to still have a "teenager brain", making it possible for him to be at the same maturity level and an equal with a younger partner. However for a 26-year-old to still prefer the company of a teenager is a much bigger red flag. What is the most bewildering to me is that Kai's relatives or fans haven't raised any concern over this.
It's also noteworthy how young Kai is made to look in some of the pictures of him. Even a person who lives the lifestyle of age play pointed that out as something very worrisome. Rourke too was in barely legal category and looked like it, while Kai in some pictures is made to look even younger. It raises a question whose taste are pics like that catering to? 

3. Zilv’s narcissistic tendencies
Some speculations have risen over is Zilv a narcissist. We are all somewhere in the narcissistic scale, and just by looking at Zilv's actions and words it does seem like he could be quite high on that ladder. This is all purely speculative, and possibly he's not as far on the scale as to have narcissistic personality disorder, but certainly he checks a lot of boxes. 
People with narcissistic personality disorder:
1) Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance ("I'm the editor and the producer...");
2) Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration (for example feels entitled to break the Covid restrictions time after time + remember how Rourke behaved during the relationship);
3) Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it;
4) Exaggerate achievements and talents (according to Zilv all the success was due to his talent, and Rourke did nothing but "take dick");
5) Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate (according to Zilv Kai's only fault was to be "too perfect"- that's a lot for Kai to live up to, and sounds eerily like the first state of the relationship cycle of narcissistic abuse: idealize-devalue-discard); 
6) Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people;
7) Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior (his partner is lazy and has no skills, other people are "narrow-minded idiots", "retards", "cunts" etc);
8) Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations;
9) Take advantage of others to get what they want (taking over every shared platform built together and exploiting the work of Rourke while forcing Rourke to start from scratch);
10) Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others (for example flaunting the new boyfriend for weeks and rubbing it in your fiance's face before ending the engagement);
11) Be envious of others and believe others envy them (how many times have we heard from Zilv that Rourke's family / fans are just "jealous"); 
12) Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious; 
13) Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office (or "king size" bed). 
A very telling fact of Zilv's character is what we have learnt of Rourke after the break up. Rourke is recovering fine, but that doesn't erase the fact that during the relationship and coming out of it he displayed clear symptoms of a person who's been a victim of a toxic and manipulative relationship: the feeling of walking on eggshells around your partner, giving up your own dreams to please the partner, self-isolation, taking all the blame on yourself, protecting and defending your partner's questionable actions to others and even rationalizing them to yourself ("gaslighting yourself").
Also it's worth taking note how both Rourke and Kai have used the word "charmer" of Zilv. Even Kai's friend who I think had only met Zilv once described him as charming. Being able to charm new people is a very common trait for narcissists. They sweep their victim off of their feet, often casting their charm also the victim's family and friends in the beginning. The abuse doesn't start right away, and when it does, it's often hard for the victim to find support, because their safety net is under the impression that the abuser is the most charming person ever. 
More on traits of narcissism and support for victims: 

4. About "easing it in"
One of the first hints of Kai was 
the capital K in Zilv's IG bio

Zilv's explanations about how he tried to ease it in to the fans that Kai was going to be a part of the
relationship sounded ridiculous. Many have questioned could Zilv really be as stupid as to think that Kai would be better received by the fandom, if he kept dropping subtle hints about their relationship before ending things with Rourke? Even if it had at first been what he was doing, the immediate backlash would have warned him, that his choice of action wasn't going to work. Some believe Zilv really was that stupid, however there are also people speculating on what were the subtle hints really about. 
The speculation is that originally Zilv had no intention of bringing Kai into the public, but he was going to keep his sidepiece hidden from the fans while making porn and money with Rourke. Or at least he hadn't made up his mind yet on what he was going to do. It seems very possible that all the hints, some more subtle than others, were meant to appease Kai and to keep him quiet (and perhaps at the same time to torment Rourke and keep him in line?). However Kai's IG story and picture forced Zilv to go public before he had fully decided on anything. Later on he had to come up with an explanation for the subtle hints, and the explanation needed to fit his narrative of finding true love with Kai. The speculation is he came up with the idea of the hints being about easing in the change, since he couldn't admit that the real reason was just to shut Kai up, so he could continue playing both the boys. This speculation is partly enforced by the fact that Zilv tried to keep Rourke still living with the two of them. That indicates he wanted to maintain his control over them both. 

5Porn as a shared ambition
Is shooting porn the shared ambition that brought Zilv and Kai together? There are quite a few speculations about that, since Kai seems so eager to do porn -- he had his OnlyFans with nudes as soon as he turned 18, he changed his drag name to "Porn". On the other hand Rourke seems to be content to get out of doing porn. This has raised many speculations, for there were already rumors before the drama, that Rourke wanted to quit doing porn, but Zilv wanted to continue. The speculation is that maybe Zilv was knowingly searching for a new partner who would be willing to shoot porn with him, so that he could continue down this path, if Rourke ever quit.  
Also Kai did chase after a porn star for many months, possibly even over a year since he already followed Zilv in his old IG account, which was taken down in November 2019. It seems they started shooting porn on their second or third date. Given their immediate foray into porn it really raises the question was this Kai's goal the entire time? Or was it Zilv's goal? Or is shooting porn their shared ambition that brought them together in the first place? 

Note to Zilv,
if you are ever reading this: When you break up with Kai, you can use the story line of Kai using you, because he only wanted to do porn. Your attempt to turn people against Rourke failed, because the story didn't match anything that people already knew or were speculating on. However there are already people suspecting that Kai doesn't give a shit about you, he's just after porn fame and attention. If you come out of this relationship lamenting that you were really in love, but Kai was just taking advantage of you to get his 15 minutes of fame, there will be people ready to believe you, because that's what they already suspect. Let's face the facts - whether or not he's in love with you, anyways he is very hungry for attention. So this will be plausible. 

Note to Kai
, if you are ever reading this: Here's something to internalize and remember for the future, some day this might have become your reality.